Friday, February 26, 2010

Efficient agricultural production

The ABC on 23 September 2009 ran the following story, which speaks for itself:
Farmers in WA need the least government assistance.

New data has revealed farmers in Western Australia lead the country in their ability to run profitable businesses with the least government assistance.

A study by the Department of Agriculture and Food has found producers in Western Australia generate about one quarter of the nation's gross agricultural production.

The report also found the state's farmers receive less financial support from government compared with their eastern states and international counterparts.

Proposed Israeli investment in water-recycling and food production, kibbutz style, could boost the supply of cheap nutritious fresh vegetables and fruits and enhance the lifestyle of area residents.
Not much coastline left

There is still much of Australia’s coastline undeveloped – some is not
habitable – some is protected – but most that can be settled has now been
developed. In terms of the sea-change ‘wave’ – Albany, and the Great
Southern coastline more broadly – are among the last places available.

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